Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lexi's Voice Recital

Lexi had her voice recital on Nov. 22rd. She did such a great job and sounded so good. We are so proud of her! She is quite the performer and didn't seem to be nervous. She got a big surprise from her uncle John. He has been doing some arrangements for David Archuleta, and got her an autograph that he presented her with on the night of her recital. She was so excited!!! She took it to school the next day to show all of her friends and they thought that was so COOL!


Danette said...

Beautiful dress, she look so grown up. Too bad so didn't sing for us I would have loved to hear her.

The Reimers Family said...

She looks beautiful, I was supposed to be there that night since Claire invited me, but I completely forgot! I wish I was though.

Debbie said...

mom that was so mach fun and thank you grandma for tiching me.Love Lexi so so so so so mach fun cool.