Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The Many Men in my life!!!!!





Mike and April, Jenna and Jordan!

Dani and her kids!

Mom and Dad

Cody and Trisha and Max as the Family guy!
Mr. and Mrs. Clean and their baby!

We had a great time at Halloween! My Sister-in-law threw a great party! She went all out! Her house was decorated with all sorts of scary things. She had a great dinner with ham and potatoes. Lots of activities for the kids and everyone got into the spirit by dressing up. Jolea loves Halloween because it was her dad's favorite. He would got all out to make it a blast for everyone. She was paying homage to her dad! Thanks for a great party Jolea!


The Reimers Family said...

Halloween is my favorite too! You guys all looked great, very creative costumes!

Amanda Stephens said...

So fun. You guys look great. It sounds like you had a fun Halloween.

Mindi B said...

Love the red wig!!!!!

Dani said...

Ryanna, You go girl!

Debbie said...

that was wird. I love you dad and mom!!!!!!!!!!!!love Lexi